Spills from life: Can we ever eradicate racism?

            I was watching a YouTube video called, ‘ The lie that invented racism’ by John Biewen while speaking at Ted Talks. It was refreshing to hear such a novel perspective of this age old issue that has created so much antagonism, woe, hurt and mistrust amongst the same family members of HUMAN clan for … Continue reading Spills from life: Can we ever eradicate racism?

Law of Attraction: Sometimes just affirmations are enough

                   When you feel the affirmation, even one is enough  1 I am improving myself on daily basis, mentally and physically.2. I have the power to change.3. I take care of myself.4. I am successful.5. I am constantly grateful to the Universe for all I have.6. I believe in me.7. I love and respect myself and … Continue reading Law of Attraction: Sometimes just affirmations are enough