The Conscientious Dilemma Series Part 3 : Season Of Gifts & Desires, But Is It Right To Desire?

It’s only natural to wish for a desirable gift in the current season of festivities. Why not? But a lot of the morally conscientious people, like me, might get their mind in a scramble on the issue – ‘Am I being greedy  to desire?’ Is it even fair for me to ask for this? Worse still, a few might slide further down on this slope – ‘But why would someone give me a gift?’ ‘ Am I even worth it?’ etc.
We might think it is moral awareness, but such self-doubts are nothing but a misplaced positivity and, in fact, a negative mindset: a mental issue. Fortunately, this condition is easy to reverse. Phew!
The first dose to treat this affliction contains to understand the concept of ‘desire’ itself. Accept that without desire there is no survival. God ‘desired’ to create this world, the son of God ‘desired’ emancipation of mankind, all saints ‘desire’ to free their souls, Gurus ‘desire’ to teach righteousness to their followers, so on and so forth. On another spectrum, an innocent baby ‘desires’ milk as a reflex instinct it is born with, parents ‘desire’ better life for the child out of absolute love, one friend ‘desires’ to help another in need, etc. One might argue that all these examples are desiring at a very sublime and selfless level. To analyse the mindset behind selflessness, you have to search for the answer to a complex, yet a simple question-  ‘What is in it for me?’ You will find that at however deeper level inside, everyone desires something for self even in a selfless act. It could be spiritual emancipation, love for another, moral satisfaction, peace, or any emotion that motivates the so-called selflessness. Selflessness is not self-denial.  ** I’ve elucidated the question of -What is in it for me’ in another blog post **
How do you feel when you’ve done something good or charitable? Happy (So, who is happy here?) Satisfied? ( So, who is satisfied?) Peaceful? ( Who is at peace here?). The answer to all the hidden questions is – ‘You, yourself’.  Hence, even the most generous and noble thought is rooted in a desire for own fulfilment, deep down. This in turn highlights the value of ‘self’, and the coexistence of self-ness and desire is inevitable. There is no absolute selflessness- spiritually, socially, or individually.
Having said all the above, a conscientious self-ness is not selfishness either.
When one’s desire is motivated by excess and there is no consideration towards another, then it’s not self-ness but selfishness. For example, if I were to desire the whole pie in the plate, without any regard for the hunger of another, then it’s not self-ness but pure greed. However, if I share a slice with someone else, it’ll not be self-denial even though the share might not appease my total hunger. This becomes a self-less self-ness.
So, the moral of the story is : So long the desire satisfies both, the  self-awareness and consideration towards another, no desire is selfish. So, expect away what you feel you desire and deserve, so long you reciprocate by giving appropriately too. Hence, the answers to the questions I posed in the beginning would resolve thence:
* Am I greedy to desire? If it’s a need that satisfies you sincerely and sustainably, then no, it’s not greed, but means to true happiness.
* Is it fair for me to ask this? If it’s no imposition on the other person, nor denying someone else’s right, then it’s only fair.
*But why would someone give me a gift? Don’t settle for any quick answers till you can stand in front of the mirror of self-ness and see the image of a soulful person, of a loving person, of a magnanimous person, and of a beautiful self-aware selfless spirit. Don’t even depend on someone else to give you a gift, it could be your gift to yourself – your love for you.  
* Am I even worth it? The positivity so far discovered would answer the last question in affirmative  – Yes, yes, and yes.

With this I wish all my lovely readers a Merry Christmas. Hope you all receive the gift you desire and deserve. Believe in yourself.

Like always in this series, there is a golden opportunity offered to understand the concept of desire, need, and self-ness, in a much deeper precision, with corelation to real life scenarios. Divulge the depths with a click on the links attached below. And as always, I’d say – No pressure, though.

13 thoughts on “The Conscientious Dilemma Series Part 3 : Season Of Gifts & Desires, But Is It Right To Desire?

  1. As a parent of young children, I’m kind of facing an entirely different dilemma with Christmas.

    This is, by far, the most stressful time of year as a parent. For kids, their entire calendar year rotates around the holiday season.

    Unfortunately, we live in a society of material excess. As an adult, I’ve learned that there is more to Christmas and just getting gifts, but that’s a difficult concept to explain to an eight-year-old child.

    Inflation is high, wages are not increasing proportionately, and the dollar buys less now than it did just a few years ago.

    Don’t give me wrong, I’m very fortunate. I am in a situation where I’m able to give my kids a good Christmas, but I am seeing a lot of my acquaintances saying that they have to essentially cancel Christmas this year because they don’t have the means to give gifts to their children.

    I sincerely hope and pray for a very happy, safe, and healthy holiday season for all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely a real life scenario of a society of our own making. I appreciate and empathise. Once, I too was in the same position you find yourself in today. My next post would be around ‘How to steer the needs of others to match your best offer’. Hope it should help. We’ll connect soon. In the meantime, keep reminding yourself that your peace of mind is more important than any festival. Let that be your pre- Christmas gift to your own self. Sending you a big hug and hope this Christmas and onwards see the best days and years of your life. Stay blessed. 🙏🙏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you!

        And I’m not complaining or anything. As I said, I know there’s people who are a lot worse soft than me. But every year I almost feels like I’m having a pull up proverbial rabbit out of my hat for the holidays. Somehow, I always come through though.

        Have a safe, healthy, and merry Christmas!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. season Greetings and I avoid any name for a Holiday because thats a whole different topic and theme however I appreciate what you are saying and the words, sentiments, etc.. respect and appreciate you


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